Thursday, August 6, 2009

"My 1st Quarter In TLE IV"

In learning TLE IV for the first grading period, many insights and experiences we've done in computer education. In the first quarter, learned more infos on Internet. I have also learned how to browse the Internet properly. We also experience how to make a blog account and published a post on it. Some students says that this subject, TLE IV is difficult, but for me it is easy when yo will listen to your teacher and understand what she says and dont be afraid to browse the Internet if you dont know, because you will not learnd if you dont try.
In computer eduction , I have encountered some problems/ challenges like misunderstanding some of the lessons. Sometimes dont know what to do because dont know the instructions given.
From the problems/ challenges I've encountered, I tried my best to understsand those lessons we had encountered. Having a self-confidence in browsing the internet.
Proving on I will study hard, do my best in order to understand the lessons.

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