Monday, July 20, 2009

"Wastong Nutrition Kailangan, Lyfestyle Disease Iwasan"

Every year, we always celebrate the Nutrition Month in the month of July. Anyway, what does nutrition month means? For me, nutrition month is the time that we're usually celebrates in our school and do some different activities reffered to thislike: the cook festival, food festival,nutri-jingle and other activities.
Health is one of the most important thing that needs oneself's proper care. We need proper nutrition in order to survive. Our body needs proper nutrition so we must eat nutritious food like fruits and vegetables. We also need proper caring for our self like take a bath everyday, washing our hands before and after eating and so on and so for. We alsoneed proper hygeine to make our body strong and healthy. We need also a clean environment so we must always clean in our community and we must have proper garbage disposal so that our garbages will not be scattered to prevent from different illnesses and lifestyle diseases like the A(H1n1) virus, dengue fever and others.
Proper nutrition and proper caring of our self is needed to prevent lifestyle diseases.

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